Tag Archives: perspective

A Song Unsung

The first thing Andrette said to me, once our parents had abandoned us to our future as roommates, was “You’ve got no Soul.” “What? I have a soul!” I wasn’t being purposefully obtuse. It was 1968, and I’m sure Andrette … Continue reading

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The Gathering

A week ago today (7:30am, Friday, November 7), I was leaving Ellsworth on my way to my very first Gathering. I was squired by Maudie, an experienced Gatherer. The bear, sporting a scarf make by The Gathering committee, greeted us … Continue reading

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What’s Your Daddy Do?

Before I started school at age six and a half, I had little knowledge of what people did for jobs. I knew about the elevator operator in Cherry and Webb’s. He had a big brass lever that turned around an … Continue reading

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Stuck In the Cave

Plato wrote about it, Ecclesiastes vamped on the subject, Robbie Burns wistfully wondered. I can be as self-serving as the next person; I cherish the occasional glimpses I get of myself from the outside, whether they are complimentary or not. … Continue reading

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Reunions–Granfalloons Done Right

These people I felt so awkward around in high school, back in the early 70s? It turns out I really like them.  I was a late comer to their party. Most of them had been together since kindergarten, but I … Continue reading

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I Would Flip More Than the Classroom

There is a gulf between what we know works (projects, passion, personal initiative) and what is mandated (rigorous testing, uniform presentation, threats). This is like the disconnect we all recognize with someone saying the beating they’ve just delivered was out … Continue reading

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Seeing is Relative

Lessons Learned in Morocco pt. 2 Popular belief and reality are totally in the eye of the beholder. Not only is “good” relative, but so is “fair and just.” “What was it like, being and American woman, living in an … Continue reading

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The Other End of Leaving Home

A high school classmate asked if I would be interested in contributing to a volume of advice and commiseration for parents whose kids were leaving home. Another friend was experiencing a first time departure and Pam, whose kids had already … Continue reading

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In the Learning Zone

I’d like to say “a number of years ago” but really it was back in 1985. Dad, who had been complaining about having to turn his lecture notes over to a secretary, said, “There comes a time when a man … Continue reading

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Packing Up Down Memory Lane

So here we are, packing up the house we’ve lived in for nearly 25 years. There’s a lot to it. But I suspect you already knew that. First are the things that we each brought with us when we moved … Continue reading

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