Tag Archives: Morocco

Morocco 1978–Eid el-Kebir

The hosts were my neighbors. They had saved their invitation for this special night that would be just for family. I was the only outsider present. Being wedged into a corner was a place of honor. There was no escaping … Continue reading

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Wandering in a group and alone

The first whiff of diesel and hot rubber smacked into us as the air conditioned bus unloaded in the center of Rabat, Morocco. It was like coming home. Bags were piled in front of an arched gate in a stone … Continue reading

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Lace and Me

When I first lived in the New City of Fés (Fés Djadeed as we called it),  I was not the rabid lace knitter that I am now. I had done color work during the Lopi Icelandic Sweater rage, and I … Continue reading

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Doesn’t Get Better Than a Yellow Screwdriver

Lessons Learned in Morocco pt. 3 One December school holiday I decided to go to Marrakech. It sounds exotic as I write it, full of mystery and Crosby, Stills, and Nash and hippie road trips. Reality was a bit more … Continue reading

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Seeing is Relative

Lessons Learned in Morocco pt. 2 Popular belief and reality are totally in the eye of the beholder. Not only is “good” relative, but so is “fair and just.” “What was it like, being and American woman, living in an … Continue reading

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Einstein was right

Lessons Learned in Morocco pt. 1 One of the bloggers I read has invited other people who have lived abroad to contribute to a “lessons learned” theme. I started a list of things I learned while living in Morocco. What … Continue reading

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If it’s the growing season why isn’t it called “winter”?

In 2016 the Summer Olympics will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I looked that up. Wikipedia notes that this is the second time the Summer Olympics will be in the host country’s winter. An interesting paradox that. And, … Continue reading

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Re-entry, or “How I came home to a place I’d never been.”

Ursula Le Guin wrote in The Dispossessed, “You can go home again, the General Temporal Theory asserts, so long as you understand that home is a place where you have never been.” I first read that book when I had … Continue reading

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