Author Archives: Susacadia

About Susacadia

I am a writer, fiber artist, and occasional raconteur. I've been around the block a time or two, but stuck to any career I ever had for at least 10 years. They have all morphed logically from one to another. But under it all I have eternally been a teacher and a learner.

Rafe–For Want of a Toe

Rafe sat on the bench, a neckerchief stuffed in the gap where her toe once lived, waiting her turn. Other recruits drifted past, peered at her bloody rag. Some kept their distance. Other fetched up in little knots, glancing her … Continue reading

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Alone time–naturally.

Alice lay in bed listening. There was the thwap of the overhead fan. There was the hum of the refrigerator. There was the faint wind-chime from the front porch. There were the crows on the front lawn. No video game … Continue reading

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Morocco 1978–Eid el-Kebir

The hosts were my neighbors. They had saved their invitation for this special night that would be just for family. I was the only outsider present. Being wedged into a corner was a place of honor. There was no escaping … Continue reading

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Night Watch

Then he turned to Wilf. “Look, boy. You go tell your Da that I want a word with him. And your Uncle Ducky as well. And maybe that Molly.” As Wilf hustled off Old Farley turned back to Rafe. “You’ll … Continue reading

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Talking to Girls

“I would like to punch that person in the throat for being so stupid!” This girl’s comment was the first thing that came to mind after reading an essay by Lisa Bloom written in 2011. It brought up a lot … Continue reading

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Rafe–Frozen River (rev 1)

      This is a revision, augmented and edited, of a section published last year. Rafe rolled her shoulders and cracked her back as she stood at the edge of the ice, leaning on Blade, to watch the developing … Continue reading

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Wandering in a group and alone

The first whiff of diesel and hot rubber smacked into us as the air conditioned bus unloaded in the center of Rabat, Morocco. It was like coming home. Bags were piled in front of an arched gate in a stone … Continue reading

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A Song Unsung

The first thing Andrette said to me, once our parents had abandoned us to our future as roommates, was “You’ve got no Soul.” “What? I have a soul!” I wasn’t being purposefully obtuse. It was 1968, and I’m sure Andrette … Continue reading

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Vonnegut, Unstuck

Kurt Vonnegut has been on my mind lately. The movie Unstuck in Time has something to do with it, I’m sure. He had a knack for creating language. Foma, granfalloons, karass and sinookas are just a few. The first of … Continue reading

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Childhood Illnesses

I am old enough to have been born before most modern vaccines were available. The only usual ones I got were for polio, a drink as I remember it, and small pox. I got a bunch of others, too, that … Continue reading

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